Ingredients for Sour Spray Candy,
"create it any flavor you love"
1 teaspoon citric acid and 2 tablespoons each of sugar and water (more or less, depending on your preference)
3–5 drops of food dye (optional)
Flavoring (lemon extract, sort of juice, exc) (lemon extract, type of juice, exc.)
small spray bottle (no bigger than 10 cm high)
In a small pot, heat water to a boil.
Mix sugar, citric acid, flavoring, and food coloring in a separate basin while the water is on the boil.
Add the ingredients from the separate bowl once the water has boiled. Stir everything together thoroughly and for the sugar to completely dissolve.
Wait for the mixture to cool before removing it from the fire. Put it in a spray bottle after that. Additionally, utilize
Post time: Dec-09-2022